About the Ubuntu Foundation

The Ubuntu Foundation: A Journey of Service and Connection

The Ubuntu Foundation was set up in 2019 by
Carolyn Vincent. Growing up in India, Carolyn felt confronted at a very young age by the inequalities she saw all around her. She often wrestled with the big questions about why she had what she had and others did not have the same privileges. She felt bereft, not knowing what she could do about it.

She was raised in a very close-knit community and proudly says she was raised by a village. In her own words, she has over a hundred brothers and sisters and at least five sets of parents and grandparents.

Over the course of her 22-year marriage in Australia, she found herself inadvertently becoming more isolated. In 2010, when her marriage broke down, she realized how unsupported she felt at a time when she most needed it.

Determined to rebuild her network of support in Australia, she drew inspiration from her childhood experiences of community. “I had a compass!” she says.

Through our community work in Australia, we discovered an incredible channel for wealth creation, and we realized we wanted to use this wealth for good. The Ubuntu Foundation is the direct result of Carolyn’s lifelong questioning and desire to make a positive impact. We chose the name Ubuntu because it represents “community” and the belief that everything is interconnected and interdependent. What affects one of us directly affects all of us indirectly.

At the Ubuntu Foundation, we believe that many of the issues we face today as a society stem from disconnection: disconnection from ourselves, from each other, from our passions, and from nature. If we work together to reconnect in all these areas, we believe we can create a world that truly works for everyone.

The Ubuntu Foundation supports projects that facilitate connection on all of these levels.

A Lifetime Dedicated to Service and Transformation

The Ubuntu Foundation is the culmination of my lifelong journey, allowing me the privilege of dedicating my life to service and supporting causes I deeply care about. At Ubuntu, our mission is to foster unity, build communities, and address the underlying disconnects that challenge our world today.

I believe that every crisis we face—environmental, social, or spiritual—stems from a profound disconnect. We have become disconnected from ourselves, each other, our higher power, and the natural world. Yet, everything in this universe is interconnected and interdependent. Understanding this interconnectedness is key to restoring peace, harmony, and balance.

Join Us on Our Journey

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey towards a more interconnected world. Explore our projects, discover the incredible work being done, and find inspiration in the stories of those whose lives have been touched by the Ubuntu Foundation. Together, let us remember our inherent connection, embrace our shared humanity, and work towards a future where unity and harmony reign supreme.

Peter Treseder AO

Peter is Ubuntu’s CFO which stands for Chief Freddo Officer. At Ubuntu, as well as the serious business of supporting serious organisations, we like to have fun. When a project is done well, it is not cash, applause, or high status which is the reward, it is a Freddo Frog which when received makes the recipient feel good. So as well has helping Carolyn run the philanthropic side of Ubuntu, Peter is charge of giving Freddo’s to the worthy.

Peter has led a variety of not-for-profit organisations for over two decades. He has been awarded three Order of Australia (all for different contributions to the nation). In part, these awards are in recognition of his outstanding ability to support philanthropy he is passionate about.

Peter has served as the Chief Convenor of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, serving under three Prime Ministers. He is the Chair of the Governing Board of Mid North Coast Local Health District and is a director of the charitable organisation The Patricia Dukes Foundation. He is also the custodian of Moripo Park, a gift of parks and gardens he hopes will be bequeathed to the nation.

Peter is known as a natural leader and has led many worldwide expeditions, including the Spirit of Australia South Pole Expedition which was the first Australian expedition to ski unsupported to the South Geographic Pole. As well as many other accomplishments, he holds two karate blackbelts, an MBA with distinction from Queensland University of Technology and has written five books

Ubuntu Foundation: Connecting People & Cultivating Harmony.
Because we are all in this together.